Below you will find the basic intro to the WordPress Admin. This will give you a guideline on what you could change of your WordPress powered website.

To log into the WordPress Admin for the website you would like to manage, you would need to go to the wp-admin folder of your website. This can be reached at the following

You would need to replace the with you websites address. If your website was, it would be This would then bring up the login pages. This login page authenticates you with the website, and ensures any changes done, are done by an authorised member of the website.

You should be at a webpage with the login form. The login form looks like the image below, unless the WordPress Admin has styled the login page for you.

Wordpress Admin Introduction 1

At this page, please enter your login details. These should be provided my us, or whoever did  your WordPress installation.  Once you have logged in, you are directed to the WordPress Dashboard. The Dashboard is the admin main page, showing you the basics of the website.

WordPress Dashboard

Here on the dashboard, you will have a lot of options. Most imported thing to remember, is that any changes you make, will affect your website immediately.  So please be careful.

You can see the following on the menu on the left.

  • Posts
  • Media
  • Pages
  • Comments
  • Appearance
  • Plugins
  • Users
  • Tools
  • Settings

Each of those menu options leads to the admin of those items.

If you wish to view info and guides on the menu above, click on the menu item above, and you can find info and guides on the item you clicked.

Each of these menu items allows you to create, edit or delete items of that type. Ie, if you want to edit a page, you would click on the Pages item. This would load a list of the current  pages of the website.

1 thought on “WordPress Admin Introduction”

  1. I like this basic intro i did! Planning on doing full instructions on various WordPress features and options. Will be doing some videos on them too. These videos will be added to our website.

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